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Asda Christmas Savings Card (Earn up to £15)

Get ahead for Christmas. Save throughout the year and receive a bonus in November. The more you save, the bigger the bonus!

Simply top up your card by 5pm on Sunday 10th November 2024, and depending on your balance we’ll top up your card by 9am on Monday 11th November 2024.

Already have a Christmas Savings Card?

Register your card and top it up in your online account.

Asda Christmas Savings Card (Earn up to £15) card image

Frequently Asked Questions

    Gift card type
    Delivery starts from £2.49. Save time and money by sending as an eGift instead.
    Choose a design
    Gift card value

    Frequently Asked Questions

      How it works

      1. Choose your desired gift card type, design (or image/GIF for personalised gift cards ), and value
      2. Send the gift card instantly or schedule it in the future (eGift only)
      3. We’ll deliver the card to the recipient’s address or email (depending on card type)
      4. They’re then free to use your chosen retailer's gift card (restrictions and terms apply)

      Buying gift cards from Asda

      • All eGift cards will be delivered straight to your recipient's email inbox unless you opt to schedule it for a specific date
      • Once your payment has been authorised, we’ll usually process your gift cards within a few minutes
      • If scheduled for a specific date, the eGift card will arrive a few minutes after midnight
      • As the purchaser of the gift card, you will receive an order confirmation email
      • Before making a purchase, you will be required to accept our terms and conditions

      Exclusions and expiry dates

      • Each retailer's gift cards are subject to their own terms, conditions and exclusions.
      • A gift card’s expiry date is set by the retailer. Asda gift cards are valid for a period of two years from your last transaction. For other retailers, please check their individual terms and conditions